created by nature...
perfected by science

Coming Soon

ecoAgraR™ increases natural photosynthesis resulting in higher yield, increased root mass, and higher BRIX levels, thus increasing the crops value and improving the bottom line.

the technology
ecoAgraR™ foliar spray penetrates the leaf. The main penetration is done directly through the cuticle – upper epidermis. Penetration is also through the stomata which are aperture controlled for gas exchange and transpiration.
The ecoAgraR™ formula enhances the absorption of water affording more efficient uptake of nutrients, resulting in enhanced plant health and growth, higher yields and increased BRIX levels.
ecoAgraR™ foliar spray acts as a defacto shield against many fungal and bacterial pathogens. Plants are healthier with less susceptibility to common plant diseases, salt induced stress and shock from drought conditions.
suitable applications
reduced water usage
Field Crops
Greenhouse Plants
House Plants
Produce Washing

health & safety
bio-degradable non-toxic
USDA Certified and listed on the Federal Procurement Program.
No EPA or regulatory issues when spraying ecoAgra™
No health hazards to workers, animals, customers and owners
No warning signs needed or concerns of chemical drift
No special disposal worries

product information
Alkanolamines, amino acids, corn and soy oil, coconut oil, nonionic surfactants, plant-based fatty acids.
Safe to use, store & dispose of Readily Biodegradable
From renewable resources
Use less water