In South Africa water-scarcity and climate change has made it increasingly urgent to rethink the use of water.
By 2050, it is predicted that rainfall in the Western Cape will decrease by 30%.

For the past decade, ecoSolv Technologies LLC, a US based manufacturing company, has been distributing advanced biobased technologies to the world.
All farmers and growers, especially organic farmers, should be trying out this innovative technology that has finally reached African soils.

ecoSolv Africa introduces ecoWetR™, a water enhancing technology that increases the “bio-accessibility” of water allowing you to use LESS Water and Fertilizer to produce healthier crops. Using patented technology, the ecoWetR™ enhances water by creating smaller water clusters that percolate faster into the soil to deliver the water to the root system more effectively.

When combined with ecoAgraR™, we see plants thrive! ecoAgraR™ is a plant health stimulant that increases biomass, revitalizes stressed plants, increases BRIX level while increasing the nutritional absorption resulting in better drought and frost resistance.
For more information on the benefits and applications visit our website:
Or contact Rick Stewart
Cell: +27 74 247 0000
